07 Sep 2023 Albany/Great Southern Spelling Championships
Our four SPPS spelling teams showed no signs of being...
Our four SPPS spelling teams showed no signs of being...
At a recent mini assembly we celebrated our school value:...
On Tuesday, August 8, we were lucky enough to have...
Edition number 14 of our S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T newsletter is here! We...
Term 3 never disappoints! There has been SO much happening...
There was magic in the air in PP2 last week!...
Look at this fresh SPPS produce! Mrs Arta arrived...
Our Spencer Spikes staff volleyball team had a cracking game...
Friday 4 August, a small group of netballers travelled to...
During Week 3 we celebrated Science Week at SPPS. All classes...