10 Aug Katanning Netball Carnival
On Friday 6th August, 17 students, two umpires and two adults left Albany bright and early to travel to Katanning for the Great Southern Primary Schools netball carnival.
The year 6 team, coached by Mrs Macaulay, played awesomely and made it into the semi-final! The year 5/6 team, coached by Miss Cheetham, also played awesomely and had a couple of wins and a couple of close losses.
The girls enjoyed putting the skills they have learnt in their Phys Ed lessons into game situations. It was so pleasing to see them representing our school so positively, with excellent sportsmanship and participation.
Thanks to our former students Devon and Kleo Proudfoot for being amazing umpires and to Mrs Macaulay for coaching one of the teams. Click here to see some photos from the day.