26 Jul Kindy lines up the sound ‘T’
Our SPPS Kindy children have thoroughly enjoyed their start to Term 3 and have settled back into their classroom routines beautifully. Mrs McGregor said the children have been eager to have a go at writing their names every morning.
The children have also started learning the sound ‘t’. They have been using long and short lines to make a ‘t’ with paper and shaving cream, lot’s of fun!
The children have also learnt the Auslan sign for ‘t’.
Terrific learning by our Kindy children! To see their photos please click here.
Kindy enrolments are now open for our 2023 Kindy program in our Early Childhood Centre and off-site at our Coolangarras Barmah Kindy. Contact our front office on 6821 3000 for more information, an enrolment pack or to organise a Kindy tour.