Mealworms wriggle their way into Room 19

Year 2 Room 19 Biology

Science in the Lab & Garden combined with Writing in the Room a collaboration success story.

Mrs Fletcher’s Year Two students have been watching wriggly things grow in the lab, and spotting wriggly things devouring their home-grown cabbage in the Outdoor Classroom. In biology, with Ms. Edwards, the students studied a variety of living organisms to learn about life cycles. Specifically, students investigated the growth of a mealworm under different temperature conditions. To enhance their learning, Mrs Fletcher happily agreed to store the mealworms in her classroom so students could participate in daily observations and data collection of this invertebrate animal. Students witnessed the incredible changes, overtime, with their very own eyes and represented their observations using plasticine to create a life cycle for display.

Click here to have a have a look at our photosThis collaboration opportunity with Ms. Edwards and Mrs Fletcher enriched our weekly conversations and built up our vocabulary toolkits to write an information report about mealworms.

Curious? You’ll have to ask a Room 19 student what a mealworm morphs into when it is kept in a warm environment.