10 Feb Respect
Every week our school community learns about and celebrates one of our school values. Students who have upheld and demonstrated the weekly value are recognised with a Values Certificate at our weekly mini-assembly. The first SPPS value for 2023 is RESPECT. Our Year 4 students were asked what Respect means to them. They said it is:
- Making your decisions based on what is right
- Acknowledging others
- Being kind to others
- Using your manners
- Listening to other people’s thoughts
- Speaking kindly to others
- Caring for other people’s things
Congratulations to our students who were recognised for showing respect in Week 1:
PP1 Heath
PP2 Linkin
Rm 1 Braxon
Rm 2 Scarlett
Rm 3 Levi
Rm 8 Evie
Rm 9 Vela
Rm 11 Imogen
Rm 19 Pepper
Rm 24 Jaelyn
Rm 25 Shaheen
It’s fantastic to see ALL of our students strive to be respectful in the classroom, our playground and in the community, particularly our Value Certificate winners.