18 May S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T No.7
We’ve had a wonderful start to Term 2 with LOTS of exciting learning, activities and programs. Edition number 7 of our S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T newsletter is jam packed with information on what we’ve been up to:
- In his Principal’s Post, Mr Hadlow welcomes Story Dogs to Spencer Park Primary School, talks about the Quality Teaching Strategy, introduces Chappy our new Pastoral Care Engagement Officer and sends a special thank you to our P&C for all they do for our school, in particular last week’s Mother’s Day stall.
- Mrs Wheatley’s Principal’s Patter gives us an update on what’s happening at the Spencer Park Education Support Centre
- Values Certificate Winners,
- 2024 Enrolments are now OPEN
- Welcome to SPPS – Mitch Williams (Chappy) and Jesse Hall
- Chaplain’s Chat
- Physics can be FUN!
- Library news
- P&C Day WA, and
- plenty of upcoming school and community events