24 Mar S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T No.4
Here it is! Edition number 4 of our S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T newsletter! So what’s in this fortnight’s edition? Let’s find out:
- Mr Hadlow’s Principal’s Post covers a COVID update, news about National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence, school attendance and NAPLAN.
- Ms Wheatley shares news about their Golden Bee awards and their Harmony Day activities in her Spencer Park Education Support Centre Principal’s Patter
- We congratulate our Values Certificate Winners,
- Read about our Super Science Program, and
- Keep in the loop with upcoming school and community events
Read our newsletter now, and be in the running to win a $10 canteen voucher.