13 Sep SPPS Focus Value: ACCEPT

• Actively listening to other people’s points of view
• Accepting change is going to happen
• Understanding other people may have a better way to do something
• Accepting constructive feedback and applying it
• Being flexible and working with everyone
• Regulating our emotions in a positive way
• Playing by and upholding the agreed rules
• Accepting that we cannot be chosen every time
• Doing the right thing even when no one is looking
• Staying within the set boundaries
• Accepting the rules and expectations of the places we visit
Congratulations to these Spencer Park superstars 
who were awarded a values certificate at our mini assembly.

They were recognised for demonstrating our school value ACCEPT in our classrooms, playground and broader community: Harrison, Havana, Isabella, Charli, Jack, Serena, Oliver, Henry, Matthew and Amara