SPPS Focus Value: STRIVE

SPPS Focus Value: STRIVE

This week’s focus value is: STRIVE, which means we always have a go, make an effort and try. Some of the ways we can all STRIVE include:
• Volunteering to help out
• Starting our learning straight away
• Listening and staying on task
• Asking for help when we need it
• Being prepared for the day
• Lining up quietly
• Using our manners at the canteen
• Coming back to class as soon as the siren rings
• Completing our work and classroom tasks
• Showing our personal best all the time
Some of our students were awarded a values certificate at our mini assembly yesterday for STRIVING in their classrooms, playground and local community. Well done to Harmony, Leilani, Liam, Zylas, Elsie, Ella, Annaberry, Verdun, Matilda and Kylo 🤩🤩🤩