15 Nov SPPS Focus Value: STRIVE
At our mini assembly on Monday we celebrated our school value STRIVE. To STRIVE means we always have a go, make an effort and try our best Our students know they can do this by:
Starting their learning straight away
Going in every event at the faction athletics carnival and doing their best
Staying on task in the classroom
Trying new things, sports and learning activities
Actively listening so they can follow the instructions
Asking for help when they need it
Being prepared for the day
Lining up and using their manners at the canteen
Completing tasks
Showing their personal best all the time
Congratulations to these students who were each awarded a Values Certificate on Monday morning for striving in our school community: Lincoln, Ava, Gwen, Royce, Billy, Levi, Riley, Taj, Levi, Taylor and Byron