09 Aug SPPS Value: ACCEPT
At this week’s mini assembly on Monday, we celebrated our SPPS value: ACCEPT. Our school community understands that we need to accept that others may have different ideas, opinions, likes and dislikes to our own. Ways that we can all demonstrate our SPPS Value ACCEPT include:
• Accepting constructive feedback and applying it
• Being flexible and working with everyone
• Regulating our emotions in a positive way
• Actively listening to and understanding other people’s opinions
• Playing by the agreed rules
• Accepting that we cannot be chosen every time
• Being Sun Smart every time we are outside
• Doing the right thing even when no one is looking
• Staying in the set boundaries
• Accepting the rules and expectations of the places we visit
Congratulations to these Spencer Park superstars 🤩🤩 who were awarded a values certificate this morning for demonstrating our school value ACCEPT in our classrooms, playground and broader community: Ashton, Jace, Amber, Chayse, Olivia, Tahnaya, Bianca, Eliza, Marcel and Brock 👏👏👏