
At a recent mini-assembly we celebrated our school value RESPONSIBILITY. We asked our students what responsibility, or being responsible, means to them. Here’s what they thought:

🤩 Being ready and organised to learn
🤩 Brushing your teeth twice a day, morning and night
🤩 Following the teacher’s instructions
🤩 Making sure your friends are safe and ok
🤩 Turning up on time when you have a school job to do
🤩 Leaving the classroom neat and tidy everyday
🤩 Putting your library book in a library bag to protect the book that you’ve borrowed.
Congratulations to these Spencer Park superstars who were recognised with a RESPONSIBILITY value certificate: Harlo, Olivia, Mia, Arden, Cindyella, Ashton, Bianca, Kayden, Isabel, MacKenzie, Eden