S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T No.10

Here we are, the end of Term 2, 2023. Edition number 10 of our S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T newsletter has all the latest news for you including:

  • Mr Hadlow’s Principal’s Post covering Mrs Kightly’s retirement, interschool cross country, the Commissioner for Children and Young People visit, student reports, NAIDOC Week celebrations and end of term.
  • Mrs Wheatley’s Principal’s Patter update on what’s happening at the Spencer Park Education Support Centre
  • Values Certificate Winners,
  • 2024 Kindy enrolments,
  • Thank you to Woolworths Dog Rock
  • Chaplain’s Chat,
  • Community information, and
  • our newsletter competition

Click here to read our S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T newsletter