Room 3 – Best Attenders

Each week at our SPPS mini assembly Mr Hadlow reminds our school community that school attendance is an important focus for our school. Missing days of school adds up quickly and can result in students missing out on important and fun learning.

Regular attendance is set at 90%, which means that students should not be missing any more than 1 day per fortnight.

Our students know that they need to attend school every day that they are well because school attendance is the EXPECTATION and staying home is the EXCEPTION.

We have a number of incentives to support our families with regular attendance including:

  • Weekly attendance certificates for the best attending class.
  • Canteen vouchers for the class with the best attendance at the end of each term.
  • Individual 100% attendance badges for students at the end of each term.


Congratulations to Miss Upson’s Room 3 students who have been awarded the SPPS Best Attenders certificate THREE times already this term in Week 1 (98.75%), Week 3 (99.17%) AND Week 4 (94.58%).  Then, in Week 5 they were awarded the Golden Broom Award!  What a FANTASTIC start to the year Room 3! Look at their proud smiles, well done.