Chemistry FUN – melt, fizz, POP!

Mrs Murray and her curious young scientists have been exceptionally busy in chemistry learning about states of matter – seeing and feeling a solid, liquid and gas. Here’s what Chloe from Year 2 had to say about the their chemistry experiment:

“In science with Mrs Murray we all held a freezing cold bag of ice blocks in our hands until it melted. When the ice was water, we went to Mrs Murray and she gave us all a fizzy lemon flavoured tablet that actually smelt quite nice.  We put the fizzy tablet into our water bags and a couple of seconds after we did….it fizzled and blew up with a gas inside it!  Then we took our fizzy gas bags outside and all the kids sat on the side and watched us JUMP on them and they went POP!! It was SOOO much fun”.

Students have also been exploring and observing oil and coloured water mixtures in the Spencer Park Primary School science lab to determine if they mix and discovered…that they don’t mix.  Click here to see some photos of our science fun.