23 Feb Children’s University
Have you heard the news?!?! Children’s University Australasia is partnering with Edith Cowan University and The University of Western Australia to deliver their program through Spencer Park Primary School! Yes, true story! Our Year 3 and 4 students have been given the opportunity to sign up and we can confidently tell you…they…are…super…SUPER EXCITED!!
What is it? Where is it? How does it work?
Children’s University is an innovative program that encourages and celebrates children’s learning beyond the classroom. It happens wherever your child participates in learning experiences outside of regular class hours. It could be visiting and exploring at learning destinations in our community like the:
- Museum of the Great Southern
- Albany Public Library
- Albany Historic Whaling Station
- Albany Visitor Centre
- Great Southern Science Council
- SharkSmart WA
- Skate the Snake
- Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park
Or, Children’s University may happen during school lunch times, after school clubs, local clubs or lessons (sports, music, dance, arts), school holiday programs or via online activities on the CUA portal. Opportunities for Children’s University are everywhere!
Registrations are still open, don’t miss out. We’re holding a parent information session this Thursday in the SPPS Hall at 3.20pm. This is your chance to get more information about the program and meet our CUA Liaison, Alex Gerrard. We look forward to seeing you.
Semper Tenta – Always Strive