SPPS Music Program visits Clarence Estate

Our SPPS Music program was showcased recently when our Choir and Percussion Group walked over to Clarence Estate Community Centre to deliver a special lunchtime performance.  Mrs Swann said both our Choir and Percussion Group performed beautifully and their visit to Clarence Estate Residential & Home Care was very much appreciated by clients, residents and staff.
Our students also had the opportunity to talk to and play games with the audience after their performance. Many students were aware of how their performance was for people, rather than for praise. They could see and appreciate the connections they had made with others and the relationships that had started to develop, even in such a short time. The focus was definitely on the audience and what they, as musicians, can do for them as opposed to a focus on the glory and praise received from performing. It was really special. It was a different type of feel good for our students. Not “I feel good because I was awesome” but “I feel good because I helped someone else feel good”. These kinds of performances add great depth to our already fantastic (!!) Music program. Thank you to Mrs Swann, Ms Taylor and Ruben for supporting our Choir and Percussion Group at their visit to Clarence Estate.