
Last week our students from Miss Lemann’s Room 1 enjoyed making the most of the warm autumn sunshine by taking their maths learning outside to complete group and individual tasks.  Bright. Warm. Sunny. Mood changing. Inspiring. Motivating. These were the words our students used to describe their outdoor maths classroom.

Yesterday however, it was a very different experience for some of our younger students but still as much fun! A hail storm swept across Albany at 4am on Monday morning leaving a very cold, wet and icy welcome for our students. It was a super fresh 7.6 degrees when our families arrived at school but felt like it was 2.9 degrees! Brrrrrr! Yes! Freezing! Yes! But this didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of our Pre-Primary children who raced through the school gates and wasted no time exploring the icy surprise that was still covering the playground equipment and grassed areas.  They walked on the hail, jumped, danced, crunched, slid, made icy balls of hail and held the hail in their “f f f f f f freezing f f f f f frozen hands!!!” until it melted.

Click here to have a look at the photos. We wonder what learning opportunities tomorrow’s weather will bring for our staff and students?!?!