Students Celebrate Science Week

Science Week Incursion – Fishing For Sustainability – 18-20 August


During Science Week the students in Rooms 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 11 enjoyed a visit with Kylie and Tahyrn from Fisheries.

We learnt all about looking after fish numbers in the ocean by having a bag limit, and how to identify and measure fish. If the fish are too small they should be released as they need to grow bigger to breed.

We had a lot of fun in catching the fish with our magnetic fishing lines and catching the life sized laminated fish such as pink snapper, dhufish, squid, groper and whiting. We then identified and measured them using the information on the chart and ruler. Many fish had to be released back as they were still juveniles.

View photos of our students enjoying their incursion.

Student comments…

“I learnt about bag limits and different fishing seasons.”

“I learnt that the female green groper can turn into a blue boy groper in just a few days.”

“I learnt that you can’t catch many fish at all. I thought you could get as much fish as you want.”

“When I go fishing I will bring the fish measuring sticker.”

“When I go fishing I’ll remember to let the small fish go.”

“I learnt that we must measure a little fish that we catch, and put it back in its habitat, to let it have more bubbies.”

“I need to educate my dad about the bag limit.”

“I learnt about how many fish, of the fish you caught, you can keep (this is called a bag limit). Also, how big the fish is to be able to keep it, and also that you need a fishing licence to fish from a boat.’

“Things that were interesting is there are so many fish that you can’t keep, even if you catch them”

“When I go fishing I will use the app and follow the rules.”

“When I go fishing I will make sure that I follow the rules and I’ll explain the rules to my family. And I will focus on the beautiful fish.”

Visit  and for more information.