On Monday June 12, Population Health came to visit our school to work with Year 6 students. We learned about the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. We were in two groups, with one group focused on calcium and how beneficial it is to our bones, teeth and even how it helps our muscles. We need to regularly eat or drink unflavoured milk and yoghurt, leafy green veges, nuts and seeds and fish to get enough calcium each day.

The other group compared the fats, sugar, and salt in homemade and takeaway foods such as hamburgers, sausage rolls, pizza and smoothies and investigated how much sugar is in drinks such as soft drinks, flavoured milk, orange juice and water. No surprises for water and homemade versions of takeaway being much healthier options.

Then the fun began, and each group was split into four mini groups to make:

  • Bean dip with vege sticks,
  • Beef and vege kebabs,
  • Rainbow salad; and
  • Atomic crumble cups

We loved preparing, cooking, and eating the dishes and look forward to our next visit in Week 10.

Bella and Kayden

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