2023 Albany/Great Southern Spelling Championships

Our four SPPS spelling teams showed no signs of being cantankerous or lackadaisical at the 2023 Albany/Great Southern Spelling Championships recently. We are thrilled to share that our Year 3/4 Team 2 came FIRST in their competition winning with a score of 37!! 👏👏👏 Congratulations to ALL of our SPPS students who put in a magnificent effort:
Year 3/4 Team 2 – 🏆 First place 🎉
Year 3/4 Team 1 – 7th
Year 5/6 Team 2 – 6th
Year 5/6 Team 1 – 8th
Our teams competed against 14 other teams from across the region and were challenged with some incredibly difficult words and definitions!! For example:
👉Year 3/4 Words
Mayonnaise – Labyrinth – Schnitzel – Outrageous – Cinnamon – Hazardous – Extravagant – Platypus – Deciduous – Camouflage – Elegant – Dungeon – Restaurant – Marvellous – Colossal – Indulgent – Magnifies
👉Year 5/6 Words
Momentous – Luxuriant – Piranha – Surveillance – Courageous – Amphibian 🐸 – Gobbledygook – Boisterous – Delicatessen – Mortgage – Caribou – Luminescent – Laconic – Simultaneously – Rhetorical – Kaleidoscope – Suspiciously
Thank you to Albany Primary School WA for warmly welcoming us to their school and hosting a great event 🙌
Thanks also to Mr Hadlow for supporting our students 👍