S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T No.12

Gosh it’s been a BUSY fortnight here at Spencer Park Primary School. Find out what we’ve been up to in edition number 12 of our S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T newsletter. In this edition:

  • Mr Hadlow’s Principal’s Post celebrates our success at the West Coast Fever Netball Cup in Katanning, Science Week, NATSIC Day, Book Week, the Minister for Education, Hon Dr Toni Buti’s visit and the upcoming Albany Spelling Championship.
  • Mrs Wheatley’s Principal’s Patter update on what’s happening at the Spencer Park Education Support Centre
  • Values Certificate recipients,
  • Room 2 and 3 assembly items,
  • Honour and Values certificates,
  • Artists in Residence,
  • Room 1 – Design and Technology
  • Community information, and
  • our newsletter competition!!

Click here to read our S·P·E·N·C·E·R·S·P·I·R·I·T newsletter