08 Apr Your Move Program Pitch
Six of our student leaders (Cory, Esther, Alyssa, Zahra, Sophie & Charlotte) recently participated in a two-hour online session with MilleniumKids to develop a pitch to promote our Your Move program. Here’s what they had to say:
On Day 1 we met Cat from MilleniumKids and learned a bit about her. We brainstormed and talked about what we do and don’t like about Albany and drew a picture of what our dream town looked like. Then we talked about what improvements we could make to our school to get more people coming to school via active transport like walking, riding, or catching the bus. We developed some solutions and strategies like having more Ride2School days and protected bike racks because ours are the open weather and some bikes don’t fit.
On Day 2, we listened to other schools present their pitches. Charlotte delivered the pitch for SPPS. Koorda Primary School won. It was a really fun and exciting event. Everyone felt a little bit nervous, but we did it and we now have some great ideas for making our school better and encouraging our students to ride to school more.
Charlotte, Alyssa and Sophie.